За подписью Президента вышеуказанной ассоциации – Саид-Эмина Ибрагимова, 23 февраля 2018 года, в 15 часов дня, в Международный уголовный суд (МУС) в Гааге, передано заявление с просьбой: провести объективное расследование по факту совершения преступлений против чеченского народа, политическими и военными силами России во главе с В.В. Путиным. К заявлению приложен печатный материал в более 200 листах, в котором приведены доказательства преступлений: агрессии, геноцида, преступления против человечности и военных преступлений.
Для передачи документов, официальным письмом в МУС были приглашены, Саид-Эмин Ибрагимов и Алим-Паша Солтыханов. Во время передачи документов в короткой беседе с представителями МУС за столом переговоров, чеченская сторона отметила, что убийство более 250 000 мирных людей, в том числе убийство более 42 тысяч детей, сотни тысяч раненых и беженцев, за похищения людей, многие из которых после похищения пропали без вести, за пытки, внесудебные казни, заключение под стражу на длительные сроки по надуманным обвинениям, за нанесение всему чеченскому народу морального, материального ущерба и многие другие преступления, преступники должны понести соответствующее наказание.
Представители МУС согласились с доводами С-Э. Ибрагимова и Алим-Паши Солтыханова, в виду того, что МУС, как единственный в мире международный судебный орган, обладающий юрисдикцией для привлечения к уголовной ответственности высших руководителей государства совершивших серьезные преступления, обязаны выполнить свою историческую миссию и привлечь к ответственности преступников, если их вина будет доказана. В противном случае, это могло бы означать полный отказ от общепризнанного принципа неотвратимости наказания за совершенные преступления, что может свести на нет, все усилия мирового сообщества по достижению всеобщей справедливости и верховенства права.
Наконец свершилось историческое событие, о котором мечтали многие поколения чеченского народа и не дождавшись справедливости покинули этот несправедливый мир. Отныне и во все времена, документы обвиняющие политические и военные силы России в тяжких преступлениях будут вечно храниться в архивах МУС, и игнорировать их уже не возможно.
Возбуждение уголовного дела, объективное расследование и справедливый вердикт, который может быть вынесен Международным уголовным судом в отношении преступников, станет прецедентом и решающим шагом к всеобщему миру. Пример неотвратимости наказания подтолкнет потенциальных преступников к решению спорных вопросов мирными, законными средствами, а не путем войны и массовых убийств мирных людей, за которые придется нести ответственность без срока давности. В этом должны быть заинтересованы не только МУС, честные граждане России и Чечении, но и все мировое сообщество, при желании сохранить мир на земле и человеческую цивилизацию.
Вместе с тем, нельзя забывать и о том, что преступники, сильны и коварны. Они делают и будут делать все, чтобы уйти от ответственности, блокировать информацию, запустить механизмы устрашения, не признавать юрисдикцию МУС и многое другое. Но уже никогда они не смогут ввести в заблуждение мировую общественность выдавая убийство мирных людей за «КТО» и не смогут доказать свою невиновность в предъявленных им обвинениях 23.02. 2018 года, и это значит, что преступникам рано, или поздно придется сесть на скамью подсудимых. Это в интересах всего мирового сообщества, для предотвращения новых жертв и с этой целью мы обращается к мировому сообществу с ПРИЗЫВОМ: объединиться против кровавых преступников и обезоружить их всеобщим движением за ВЕРХОВЕНСТВО ПРАВА И СПРАВЕДЛИВОСТИ.
ПРОСИМ: повсеместно распространить данную информацию и начать сбор подписей за скорейшее возбуждение уголовного дела в МУС и проведение объективного расследования преступлений совершенных политическими и военными силами России во главе с В.В. Путиным.
Президент международной ассоциации «Мир и права человека Саид-Эмин Ибрагимов.
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Signed by the President of the above-mentioned association, - Said-Emin Ibragimov, - on February 23, 2018, at 3 pm, at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague, a request was made: to conduct an objective investigation into crimes against the Chechen people by political and military forces of Russia, headed by V.V. Putin. The application is enclosed with printed material in more than 200 pages, which provides evidence of crimes: aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
For the transfer of documents, Said-Emin Ibrahimov and Alimpasha Soltykhanov were invited to the ICC by an official letter. During the transfer of documents in a brief conversation with representatives of the ICC at the negotiating table, the Chechen human rights activist noted that the killing of more than 250,000 civilians, including the murder of more than 42,000 children, hundreds of thousands of wounded and refugees, for abductions, many of whom disappeared after, for torture, extrajudicial executions, long-term detention on false accusations, causing moral and material damage to the entire Chechen people, and many other crimes, criminals should be held responsible. Representatives of the ICC agreed with Ibrahimov's reasoning that the ICC, as the world's only international judicial body with jurisdiction to criminalize high-ranking officials, is obliged to fulfill its historical mission and bring criminals to justice if their guilt is proved. Otherwise, this could mean a complete rejection of the universally recognized principle of the inevitability of punishment for crimes committed, which can nullify all efforts of the world community to achieve universal justice and the rule of law.
Finally, a historical event took place, which many generations of the Chechen people dreamed of, hoping that justice will prevail one day. From now on and at all times, documents accusing Russia's political and military forces of grave crimes will be kept in the archives of the ICC, making it no longer possible to ignore them.
The initiation of a criminal case, an objective investigation and a fair verdict that can be brought by the International Criminal Court against criminals will become a precedent and a decisive step towards universal peace. An example of the inevitability of punishment will push potential criminals to settle disputes by peaceful, legitimate means, and not through war and mass killings of civilians, for which they will have to bear responsibility with no statute of limitations. This should be of interest not only to the ICC, to honest citizens of Russia and Chechnya, but to the entire world community, in the name of peace and human civilization.
At the same time, we must not forget that criminals are strong and insidious. They do and will do everything to avoid responsibility, block information, launch intimidation mechanisms, not to recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC, and much more. But they will never be able to mislead the world public by giving out the murder of peaceful people for "Counter-Terrorist-Operation" and will not be able to claim their innocence of the charges brought against them on 23.02. 2018, and this means that the criminals will have to go to the bar sooner or later.
It is in the interests of the entire world community, to stop active wars by Putin (in Ukraine and Syria) and to prevent new victims. And for this purpose we appeal to the world community with a CALL: to unite against freedom and human-rights haters and disarm them with a universal movement for the supremacy of law and justice.
PLEASE: diffuse this information wherever possible and begin collecting signatures for the prompt launch of a criminal case in the ICC and conducting an objective investigation of crimes committed by Russia's political and military forces led by V.V. Putin.
President of the International Association "Peace and Human Rights", Said-Emin Ibrahimov.
Signed by the President of the above-mentioned association, - Said-Emin Ibragimov, - on February 23, 2018, at 3 pm, at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague, a request was made: to conduct an objective investigation into crimes against the Chechen people by political and military forces of Russia, headed by V.V. Putin. The application is enclosed with printed material in more than 200 pages, which provides evidence of crimes: aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
For the transfer of documents, Said-Emin Ibrahimov and Alimpasha Soltykhanov were invited to the ICC by an official letter. During the transfer of documents in a brief conversation with representatives of the ICC at the negotiating table, the Chechen human rights activist noted that the killing of more than 250,000 civilians, including the murder of more than 42,000 children, hundreds of thousands of wounded and refugees, for abductions, many of whom disappeared after, for torture, extrajudicial executions, long-term detention on false accusations, causing moral and material damage to the entire Chechen people, and many other crimes, criminals should be held responsible. Representatives of the ICC agreed with Ibrahimov's reasoning that the ICC, as the world's only international judicial body with jurisdiction to criminalize high-ranking officials, is obliged to fulfill its historical mission and bring criminals to justice if their guilt is proved. Otherwise, this could mean a complete rejection of the universally recognized principle of the inevitability of punishment for crimes committed, which can nullify all efforts of the world community to achieve universal justice and the rule of law.
Finally, a historical event took place, which many generations of the Chechen people dreamed of, hoping that justice will prevail one day. From now on and at all times, documents accusing Russia's political and military forces of grave crimes will be kept in the archives of the ICC, making it no longer possible to ignore them.
The initiation of a criminal case, an objective investigation and a fair verdict that can be brought by the International Criminal Court against criminals will become a precedent and a decisive step towards universal peace. An example of the inevitability of punishment will push potential criminals to settle disputes by peaceful, legitimate means, and not through war and mass killings of civilians, for which they will have to bear responsibility with no statute of limitations. This should be of interest not only to the ICC, to honest citizens of Russia and Chechnya, but to the entire world community, in the name of peace and human civilization.
At the same time, we must not forget that criminals are strong and insidious. They do and will do everything to avoid responsibility, block information, launch intimidation mechanisms, not to recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC, and much more. But they will never be able to mislead the world public by giving out the murder of peaceful people for "Counter-Terrorist-Operation" and will not be able to claim their innocence of the charges brought against them on 23.02. 2018, and this means that the criminals will have to go to the bar sooner or later.
It is in the interests of the entire world community, to stop active wars by Putin (in Ukraine and Syria) and to prevent new victims. And for this purpose we appeal to the world community with a CALL: to unite against freedom and human-rights haters and disarm them with a universal movement for the supremacy of law and justice.
PLEASE: diffuse this information wherever possible and begin collecting signatures for the prompt launch of a criminal case in the ICC and conducting an objective investigation of crimes committed by Russia's political and military forces led by V.V. Putin.
President of the International Association "Peace and Human Rights", Said-Emin Ibrahimov.